
About Us

About We Are Lefty

Since 2013, I’ve wanted to created something for the left-handed community. I didn’t know what to focus on back then and none of my ideas are feasible at the moment. The inspiration to create this community stem around the various workshop and classes I attended–from learning how to swim, to writing Nihongo, and other important activities. I encountered some difficulties learning. My swimming teacher is right-handed. When I told him I was left-handed he told me I should switch hands and technique. Sometimes he neglect the fact so he had to retract with his instructions to me. My Shodo sensei is right-handed and insist that the right way of writing Shodo properly is to write with your right hand since strokes can only be achieved with your right hand. I was kind of successful but that did not prevent me from still writing with my left.

We have a great deal of skilled lefty but they seldom don’t put up classes or workshop since most students are right-handed. And even if they do, the focus is on the skill and not on helping left-handed get ahead by learning how to adapt properly to techniques that are only valid for them. I hope that by putting up We are Lefty, I can connect the left-handed community with proficient left-handed willing to share their knowledge and skills.